Friday, June 29, 2012

An idea for a baby shower gifts

It is summer. It is the season of weddings and also for babies. I recently had to buy some books for a friend's baby shower and was agonizing over what to get. If you work around books or are around kids, you know the quintessential books that people get for new babies: Goodnight Moon, Pat the Bunny, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, anything Eric Salle, and so on. Even while working at Barnes & Noble, I was still at a loss of what to get for my cousins' kids.

But I found a cute little book series for kids that takes a spin on Goodnight Moon. The series takes the idea behind Goodnight Moon and adapts it to certain states, cities, or regions of the world. The one that I like is Good Night Minnesota (naturally, since I'm a born and raised Minnesotan). It's a cute look at some of the local cities and natural beauty of the chosen state. I think it's a great way to help your child (or the child if it's a gift) to learn about their state on a level that they can understand. I found some inside pictures of what Minnesota has to offer:

Get the little ones ready for the Great Minnesota Get Together!

Prepare them for the grandeur and beauty of the North Shore.
But there are books for at least every state. I looked them up on and tried to find a list of them, but there are so many! I went through four pages of search results (I typed in "Good Night" under the Kids' Books tab and hit ENTER) and after a while of writing down all the ones of the series, I felt pretty certain that each of the 50 states has a book (Oregon, North Carolina, Wisconsin, California, to name a few), some cities have their own books (i.e., New York City, New Orleans, Denver), with some places (i.e., farm, country store, lake, zoo), and even some international destinations (Montreal, Toronto, Canada, and Israel) are represented in this series. I also found Good Night Baby Jesus in case there's a Christmas birthday for the child, or for a good religious gift for the child.
If you want a more specialized/personalized gift for a child, I would certainly recommend getting one or more of these books for them. If they like oceans, farms, or want to learn more about the city/state they live in, these are great books to get. And... if you have a sports fan in the household...

These sports teams, and many more, can be found at (or other bookstores) if you search for "(sports team's name) 101" or "(sports team's name) ABC", and if your local bookstore doesn't have it in stock (if you live in MN and want a NY or CA themed book) I'm more than willing to bet that they can order it for you; and remember, if you have to order it make sure to plan ahead for order and mail travel time so that your books will get to you before the party. So yeah. Here's some ideas for you if you find yourself in a predicament of not knowing what to buy that new little one in your life.
If you want an idea of how many books are out there in the Good Night... series, here's a list of the titles I took from the 4 pages I looked through at Barnes & Noble's website:
Florida, Oregon, Denver, Hawaii, California, Georgia, New York City, Nevada, Maryland, Michigan, Miami, Chicago, Boston, Maine, Pittsburgh, Colorado, Seattle, Israel, World, Farm, Lake, America, Toronto, Beach, North Pole, Canada, Zoo, New Jersey, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Nantucket, New York (state), Montreal, New Orleans, Baby Jesus, Country Store... and that's just from 4 pages!! The search results of "Good Night" brought up thirty-six pages

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