Tuesday, August 28, 2012

An Idea for Book Lovers Who Need a Challenge

I haven't posted in a while, I've been in the middle of a few books and trying to get some work done on my own book projects. But I thought that in the absence of book reviews, I thought I'd give you an idea for a reading challenge. 

A few friends of mine have started 100 Books in 1 Year challenges, where you start on your birthday and you start reading until you've read 100 books by your next birthday. You can also keep track of how many pages you've read, too. I get to start my 100 Books in 1 Year this coming January and I'm excited for it, even though it's more for just bragging rites that I read that many books and X amount of pages. The last time I kept track of how many books I'd read was when I did the Pizza Hut Book It program. I wish they had an adult version of the Book It program... I want to get a free pizza for reading books! That'd be freaking amazing. 

If anyone wants to join me in my 100 Books in 1 Year challenge, keep me updated on your progress. Post random updatey comments in whatever posts may come up, or whenever I get around to posting reviews and other randomness here. Maybe we'll get rewarded for our achievements!