Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Reading List Thus Far...

From time to time, I get into the habit of reading more than one book at a time. And when that occurs, I tend to take a really long time to finish any of them. Right now I'm technically reading three books, but since one of them is a random information book, it kind of doesn't count.

This book is the first in a new "cozy mystery" series about a woman who owns a bookstore in New York. The bookstore was once owned by her late great-aunt, and she inherited it and the large black cat named Hamlet. I'm just a few chapters into it, and it seems pretty good so far. It seems similar to another series a friend of mine told me about, Magical Cats Series. That book will be tackled in the near future. 

The other book I am reading at the moment is the third book by Caprice Crane, Family Affair. It is a romantic comedy by the author who brought the world the ever-amazing Stupid & Contagious. I'm also a few chapters into it, and it seems pretty good so far, still getting a lot of character and plot set-up so far, and as with Stupid, the back-and-forth POVs of the chapters (one is through Layla, the next through her husband, the next her, the next him, etc.), still takes a bit to get used to. 

In the near future there will be a review of one of these two books. Hopefully I can sit down and focus on one long enough to finish one soon. Ugh. Why do I do this to myself?

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