Sunday, April 22, 2012

Passion for the Written Word

I had two of my close friends out to the farm to hang out and catch up tonight, and as we got ready to say goodnight we get into a bit of a book discussion. This discussion was brought on by my one friend, Krista, mentioning that she wants to see Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter when it comes out in theaters in June. Then that led me to exclaim that she needed to read it before she sees it, so then I quickly jump up to grab it off my book shelf. That leads me to then go on about other books that I read that had been real game changers for me, such as Lamb and why AL:VH is far superior to Grahame-Smith's best book and why Lamb is Christopher Moore's... and it went on and on for quite a long time; with me getting very animated over the books, my friend Katy says that she enjoys watching me talk about books...

And then I realized something...

I'm really going to miss working at Barnes & Noble. I'm going to have to find something to fill in that hole of being around books and talking about them. Krista recommended that I start a book club, and I love that idea. I did try to start a book club a few years ago, but it fell apart before it even got off the ground. So hopefully, if I try it again, I'd get it a better outcome than before. 

So yeah... I miss books.

UPDATE: 4-23-12 628pm
I realized that when I wrote this last night, I was a little tired, so I forgot the truly main part of my post. 

I really first realized I was going to miss Barnes & Noble and being around all those books was one of the last times I recommended a favorite book of mine to a customer. It was Rot & Ruin and I really sold it to this guy... maybe a bit too much. I got really into it and was explaining why it was so awesome and why he had to read it and I started describing this one scene that just really creeped me out but also was very heart-breaking at the same time---and the guy cut me off, telling me I was revealing too much of the book. *le gasp* I was being a spoiler! Noo! 

But that episode really made me do a gut-check when the guy walked away... that was going to be one of the last time I would be able to share my overwhelming intrusive strange love of books with people. So I think because I'm going to miss that awesome experience of sharing books, I'm going to start a book club. Yeah. 

And if might even be broadcast on Skype! ;) 


  1. How can you not miss books? We're just big book nerds and always will be. And that's a very good thing.

  2. I wish we could have a book club together! I know- when you start one, just skype me in, k?

    1. Michelle, that would be so cool to have a Skype'd book club!

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