Originally published June 14, 12007
- Frantic survival of the last remnants of humanity
- Man vs man
- Man vs zombie
- Ethical/moral standards from previous pre-zombie life vs the new and radical-survivalist mode of post-zombie world
- A talking, cognizant zombie
- Organized zombie army
- Ancient curses
- The new theory that zombies don't have to be mindless eating machines (see first bullet)
- Zombie pigeons
Yeah. It totally blew my mind. Now I want to get his other two books, Monster Nation, and Monster Planet. Monster Nation deals with how the zombie Epidemic all started, so technically "before" Monster Island. And then Monster Planet I'm pretty sure deals with the basic annihilation of humanity as we know it. NEAT! Then I can get his latest book 13 Bullets: A Vampire Tale. Dude! David Wellington is my new paranormal hero! Squeee!